Everyone knows the city of St. Louis is not at peace right now. It’s been on the news. It’s been on Facebook. It’s been discussed on this campus. The events in Ferguson do not stand in isolation, but rather illuminate an unrest and hurt that has been present for many years. People are hurting. People are angry. People are upset. And many people are unsure. Unsure of what will happen, of what it all means, and of where to go from here. But I believe God never leaves us to face this alone. In the passage from Philippians, He tells us to “make our requests known” to Him. And so we do, we pray for peace, but we cannot stop there. We cannot ignore the second step, maybe the more important one in the passage, to “keep on doing what [we] have learned and received and heard and seen in [Him]. Then the God of peace will be with [us].” God sent us the perfect example of peace in His son Jesus. And God asks us to reflect on that example, to reflect on Jesus’ teachings, words, and actions. But then God asks more of us, he calls us to continued action to bring about the peace we seek. We are to follow Jesus’ example, but we are to take part in the realization of our prayers. For if we want peace, we must seek truth. We must defend honor. We must fight for justice. We must praise that which is pure. We must uphold that which is lovely. And, we must practice grace. Let God guide your heart and mind to peace. Rest in the assurance that we have an example set forth for us in Jesus. Know that we can also be examples and instruments of God’s peace in our own lives, on this campus, and in this city.
Cami Kasmerchak is the Campus Ministry GROW Intern.
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